Tuesday, 17 May 2016



Before starting this act think carefully that can you do or not? Because in this work there is lot of fear that’s why the people having weak in nature may not start this work it will better for them. Some times people seeing that they are being murdered, people are in the fire, or every side you are covered by fir but all these things are only to make you afraiding but you should not afraid because nothing can come inside the Circle of Chillah. God has given priority and declared best and superior creation to human beings, so don’t be afraid but think that all these things are fake. But if you come into fear then you will be harmed by Ghosts. That’s why think more carefully before starting of the work/ Chillah which is as under:-

  • Recite initial 4 verses of Surah Jin 1000 times, Bismillah-e-Rahman-e-Rahim should be read before starting.
  • Start from Thursday or from Sunday after Namaz Isha but first 14 days should not be in Qamar-w-Aqrab (it is a map specified for Chillah doers, you may check from Imamia Jantery book or call me on my cell No.                              )
  • During work, dress should be clean, neat and white in color after doing work it should be removed and kept safely.
  • Interaction with people should be reduced and nothing negative should be in the heart.
  • During the recitation, perfume candles may be burnt
  • Face direction should be in the east during the work
  • Draw a circle round you and an open knife and bottle of water may be kept with you
  • During the work avoid to eat the vegetables such types having the smell (onion, ginger etc)

It will better, 3 days before starting of work (Chillah) to:-
Ø  Recite Darood-e-Pak for your own/your mother name, (the number of times reciting Darood Pak should be remember).
Ø  Surah Ikhlas should be recite on 2 day but the numbers should be equal as first day of Daroods.
Ø  ASTAGHFAR on 3 day but the number should be equal on 1st and 2nd day.
Ø  Before staring of Chillah distribute sweets among poors/ children.

v  During the Chillah the experiences and tragedies happened don’t share with any one except the saint/ Aamil who have given you permission/ guidance for Chillah.
v  The same reading should be completed 1100 times daily
v  Durood-e-Pak before and last of the work 11 times
v  Its 40 days duration of chillah, AAMIL should bath/ Wazu on daily basis
v  On last day completion of work ghosts will appear, then set a time and appearance symbols with him and the time you may keep him also finalize that time.
v  The symbols of appearance may asked, procedure may asked
v  Ghosts will appear on 40th day and don’t talk with him before completing your recitation.
v  Ghosts may be called in lonely
v  Timid and weak people should not start this work but bold and brave should do
v  The people who are suffering from any dangerous discease like, MIRGHI, SAKTA & Poils should not start the work until they will become healthy.
v  Habitual of any specific habit people should also not start this work because upto 40 days nothing is allowed such as sex, visit out of country, business etc.
v  Women are also not allowed to do this work because during the menses period they will unable to do the same.

v  Before starting this work sort permission from any AAMIL/ MURSHID so that can be remained safe from any loss. 

Email: SyedGhulamAbbasSherazi@gmail.com
Cell: 03007077709   Whatsapp Avail 

Syed Ghulam Abbas

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