Monday, 16 May 2016


Before starting of Chillah important things are narrated above so that no any point may miss by the Doer:

Befoe starting any Chillah read the names of Hazoor Ghous Pak and its 11 followers then pray sincerely.

Mostly Chillah has been started on every Thursday of every new Islamic month but some saints recommended on 11th of the Islamic month.

If you want to remember first Thursday of Islamic Month then at the evening of Wednesday after Magrib prayers Thursday has been started because Islamic day has been started after Magrib time.

It is essential that lonless and concentration is necessary that’s why specific room has been recommended and no one should enter in that room except you.

During the Chillah, (specific days for lent) meat, ginger, onions and sex with the wife has been strictly prohibited.

Please do remember that before starting of Chillah you have to get permission from your saint guider so that chances of failure can be reduced.

Keep remember that as every work has required specific time period so if you will not success in Chillah first time you should try again ever may be you should have to do third time also but should not dishearted as you know that human being can not posses same energy at every time.

Bad character people should not try to do for Chillah, because Sex is strictly prohibited during that time even with the own wife.

If someone understand that he is not brave he should not try to do it because some time due to fear you may become mad that why before starting Chillah every one has to know even he will do it or not.

The people who are involved in trouble of souls or diseases that should not try to do Chillah because even if they will healthy they can do it.

The people who have due the Zakat they should not try before distrusting the Zakat.

If first-time success will not achieve, keep trying again and again even thrice. However, if Chillah will be with faith it will be done some times success will be achieved late.

Chillah should be done in a particular room/ place where the general entry should not be allowed. And if its not possible any separate room than it should be away from the populated area so that no one can see you otherwise your struggle for Chillah will be not result oriented.

During the Chillah lot of experience may be occurred, its is important that don’t disclose with any one about these experiences if you will share the experiences may be stopped.

During Chillah it is essential that don’t meet with any one but in the case of emergency you can meet. However, it will better no meet with any one at any cost.

It is important that during the Chillah do not give any map to anyone and during that period he should not make treatment of any needy person.

If any room selected for Chillah do not change it and time you allocate for Chillah don’t change its time because care of time is also important.

If during Chillah doer have a headache and burden may be felt on shoulders/ brain don’t worry its symbol of success.

During Chillah be conscious from every one, even a beggar will come try to free him by giving something and do not waste your time.

During Chillah some time people came and say because we came to you so stop your work, do not stop and be remember that before completing the work if doer will stop it is dangerous for him. Mostly Chillah doer becomes mental because of this mistake.

Chillah should not be done in the home where already any patient of ghost effected, because both will disturb during Chillah.

Chillah should not be done in the place/ home where a self/ artificial death has already been occurred because doer will not be successful.

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Syed Ghulam Abbas

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