Wednesday, 18 May 2016




v nowadays where every human being is busy, self-fish and think only for himself. To work and think for others is very difficult and impossible due to De-motivation and Discouragement. But we are trying our best toward success with sincerity for guiding you properly in this regard.

v I warmly welcome to the people who are not satisfied in their real life. The result is not as per their expectations, that’s why they are disturbed mentally/ physically and not enjoying their life properly. But the impact of their disappointed life occurs for their whole families and children.

v Through this website we introduce a product which will definitely change your life toward positivity and improve the life of all these people who are disappointed, discourage and mentally disturb because it is based on the fact principles of natural knowledge and structure.


Ø The rings are not made only for the material like metal etc as looking from the outside but these consist of the natural elements which can change the life of a person who wears it because of natural properties/ structure of ring which effect directly on the human body.

Ø Basic reason of the ring is not only beauty of the finger but its structure impact the human body and luck can by changed.

Ø These natural elements with the further help of the sun and moonlight/ rays can be able to change the life in the positive sense and become more beneficial for the luck of a person wearing the same.

RING FOR THE MARRIAGE:-  Code.R-01                                  $.2000

·      Couples are selected in the sky as per Muslims believe and everyone knows it. Besides accepting the reality human is searching their life partner on the earth. Sometimes a human has the lot of blessings bestowed by God in this world including health, wealth, skills and beauty but besides all the facilities/ blessings he could not enjoy his life properly. He feels lonely and his life has internal complexity. His behavior and good habits are going to be changed in the unenthusiastic sense, misbehaving and discouragement increase in the life of that human.

·      In this situation, this ring will be helpful in the life of that person who wears it. It's positive impacts will help you in finding you a loyal life partner beside achieving the other goals and objectives of your life.


·      This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in the picture.

RING FOR THE JOB:-  Code.R-02                     $.1200

ü To search for a good job is a basic problem and need of every human being. Being highly qualified/ skilled you are unable to get a suitable job. However, you are qualifying the requisite tests and interviews for the said job but the result is again zero. In this situation, you will be disappointed because for better life good job is mandatory.

ü In this situation, this ring will play a very important role because of the natural composition of the ring which will overcome the negativity of your fortune.


ü This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in the picture.

RING FOR THE FEAR OF GHOSTS:-   Code.R-03             $.15000

q  The relationship with other invisible creations (Ghosts) and human being is ancient. Since many centuries missing/ vanishing of things, listening to various sounds, fear of availability of invisible things, voices of crying, tripping of electricity automatically and different sounds of animals from homes have been listening.

q  Availability of this ring in the home will defend all type such fears and situations. With the auspiciousness of this ring you can save your home, things and financial and physical loss from the ghosts.


q  This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in picture


RING FOR EARN MONEY:- Code R.04                             $.1300

o   Sometimes a human being is not getting the result of his hardworking by earning wealth even it concern to the job or own business, you will trying to get a shortcut to solving the problem like earning and the lottery of prize bonds etc.

o   People who want to earn wealth by shortcut and easy way, this ring will most beneficial for them.
o   NOTE:-
o   This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in picture

RING FOR LOVE / FRIENDSHIP:- Code R.05                   $.1200

v nowadays where android Cell Phones and The Internet is common and the world became the global village. But the sincere relationship and friendship are going to end. People are going to busy in the Internet life but there are some people want real, loyal and sincere relationship and friendship. These sincere relations keep peoples away from the fraud of (Internet/ Mobile). But the main thing is the identification of real friendship and relationship with whom sincere relationships may be developed.

v This ring is a special gift for those people because with the help of the rays of the ring you will automatically become close to these people, which you like or want to make a relationship, and other people will also attract towards you with the benefit of that ring.


v This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in picture


RING FOR HEALTH:- Code R.06                            $.30000

v Health is wealth. It knows by everyone and the importance of health can be known from the persons who are a patient of Blood Pressure, Sugar or any other Heart diseases. Once you fall in any type of decrease you will not get natural health and recovery again.  And you will be in the fear of disease for whole life. Due to a lot of care and regular treatment, use of medicine, disease will not be in your control. And the fear always remains that disease may not increase at any cost.

v This ring will more beneficial to overcome and control your decreases. Due to the rays and naturally structure of the ring your body will increase the energy of your Mind, Heart, BP and body which helps your body to save from all other dangerous and critical diseases.


v This ring will beneficial equally for men and women. The prepared ring will be different from the sample ring shown in picture

Cell: 03007077709   Whatsapp Avail 

Syed Ghulam Abbas

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